Sunday, September 05, 2004

2004 Hugo Results

Full Hugo results are available in the Noreascon weblog:

As for my predictions, I was three out of five (Cookie, Emerald, Return of the King). I missed on Novelette, having chosen Garden instead of Legions, and on Short Form, having chosen Buffy instead of Gollum.

"Gollum" won?!?! I didn't find it funny at all, and definitely not worthy of a Hugo. I wonder if the Firefly vote got split between the two candidates, as many people speculated it would - once the full voting results come out, we'll know for sure.

If you want a Gollum bit that's funny, find the time Gollum called into a radio show and talked about the Democratic presidential candidates - that was hilarious ("we likes Kucinich"). I'll post the link if I can find it.

I'll follow up with subsequent posts about why I voted the way I did.


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