Saturday, September 04, 2004

Thoughts on 2004 Hugo Awards and Retro Hugos

Next few posts will be on the 2004 Hugos and Retro Hugos. I'll start with what I voted for and what I think will win (in the categories where I voted), then move into explanation of why I voted like I did.

A list of nominees is at:

Retro Hugos (for 1953)

Best Novel
What I voted for: Childhood's End by Arthur Clarke
What I think will win: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

Best Novelette
What I voted for: And My Fear Is Great by Theodore Sturgeon
What I think will win: A Case of Conscience by James Blish

Best Novella
What I voted for: Second Variety by Philip K. Dick
What I think will win: Second Variety by Philip K. Dick

Best Short Story
What I voted for: It's a Good Life by Jerome Bixby
What I think will win: It's a Good Life by Jerome Bixby

That was all I voted for in the Retro Hugos.

Hugo Awards

Best Novel
What I voted for: I didn't vote, because I didn't have time to read any of the nominees
What I think will win: I have no idea, I never read novels. Wild guess would be Singularity Sky by Charles Stross

Best Novella
What I voted for: Empress of Mars by Kage Baker
What I think will win: The Cookie Monster by Vernor Vinge

Best Novelette
What I voted for: Into the Gardens of Sweet Night by Jay Lake
What I think will win: Into the Gardens of Sweet Night by Jay Lake

Best Short Story
What I voted for: Four Short Stories by Joe Haldeman
What I think will win: A Study in Emerald by Neil Gaiman

Best Dramatic Presentation - Long Form
What I voted for: Return of the King
What I think will win: Return of the King

Best Dramatic Presentation - Short Form
What I voted for: Chosen (from Buffy)
What I think will win: Chosen (from Buffy)

That was all I voted for in the Hugos - we'll see how I do in my predictions of what will win

Next I'll go through each category where I voted and explain why I voted like I did.


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