Sunday, September 05, 2004

2004 Retro Hugo Review - Novella

My vote in the Novella category, from favorite to least favorite:

1. And My Fear Is Great, by Theodore Sturgeon
2. A Case of Conscience, by James Blish
3. UN-Man, by Poul Anderson
4. The Rose, by Charles L. Harness
5. Three Hearts and Three Lions, by Poul Anderson


It has been over a month since I've read these stories, so I don't quite remember all the details. Feel free to dismiss this commentary as pretty lame-ass.

NOTE: These reviews can contain major spoilers as to the stories.

Three Hearts and Three Lions: I really was not fond of this story. I felt that it was more of a juvenile-level story, very simplistic, and certainly not worthy of a Hugo nomination.

The Rose: This story didn't appeal to me either. In fact, I had trouble finishing it.

UN-Man: I was not able to get ahold of this story in time to read it before the voting deadline, but I figured I had to like it more than The Rose or Three Hearts and Three Lions.

A Case of Conscience: Finally, something I liked reading. I really enjoyed the religious aspect of the book, with the Father having difficulty with the logically based culture of the residents of the planet but managing to maintain his faith. However, I remember being disappointed with the resolution (where the Father declares the planet a tool of Satan, out to destroy faith). I'm not sure what would have made a better ending, but I didn't like this one. So, it ended up second.
(A very nice review of the subsequent novel that contains this novella is on sfreviews at:

And My Fear Is Great: My favorite. Not tremendously more than Case of Conscience, but I felt it was a more enjoyable story and more consistent. It covers similar ground as Sturgeon's novel More Than Human, with the idea that humans can become somehow linked and become more than the whole, but is told from one point of view of the man that is driving the show. Overall, one result of my investigating, reading and voting for the Retro Hugos is that I like Sturgeon and want to read more work by him. My winner for Best Novella.


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